Ransom Crockett Spurlock
Birth date from Affidavit of mother, Elizabeth Phoebe Leverton Spurlock, sworn to in the State of Arizona, County of Navajo, Superior court. Affidavit in possession of Elizabeth Anna Spurlock Smithson.
In 1930 Ransom C. Spurlock and his mother Elizabeth P. (Leverton) Spurlock, a widow, were living in Gila County, Young Township, Arizona. This information is taken from the 1930 US Census of Gila County, Arizona, Young Election Precinct #1, District #3, ED # 4-53, Census Roll #T626_57, Page 3B, Image 0707 taken on April 12, 1930. This information can be found on Ancestry.com US Census Records image 6 of 7 for Gila County, Young Township, Arizona. 1930 US Census of Gila County, Young Township, Arizona. 66...69 Spurlock, Ransom C.......head...m...w...36...s....TX...AR...AR...Stock Farmer, owner Elizabeth P..mother...f.....w...71..wd...AR..GA...GA 1940 US Census released 3 April 2012. Notes from Betty: We lived on the ranch we called "The Charlies Place" in 1940. It was also called the BK ranch but the place we knew as the BK was across the Leroux Wash from Charlies Place. By 1940 Daddy had gone into partnership with J. C. (Julius Charles) Wetzler and this was his ranch. It had a small ranch house on the place and we lived there and Charlie lived in Holbrook when he was in the area but he spent a lot of time with the cattle in the feed lots of Imperial Valley, El Centro, California. Charlie Wetzler is enumerated with our family in the 1940 census. Link to 1940 Census image on FamilySearchFamilyTree.com I have dozens of happy memories of my father and have recorded many of them on separate documents. |